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Maria Arroyo

I am a fellow human being who has dared to dream big, fallen, got up again until I have achieved my goals. Sometimes it has been easy. Sometimes it has been hard. It's all about what intentions I've had and how much I've wanted it. By following my heart and moving slowly but surely forward, I have found new ways and opportunities. I have learned, tested myself and grown in the process. Above all I I have dared to continue to dream, move forward and set new goals.

It has been my success factor for, among other things, entering society as a refugee, making a career in the business world, becoming a mother through adoption and miraculously conceive naturally, despite the healthcare giving 3% success with in vitro fertilization.

I am a trained medical informaticist who has worked in life science since 2005. What I am most passionate about in my job and life is to make colleagues and people grow. And to work with things that make sense and have a clear purpose.

I'm here if you want a catalyst to get more out of life.

Mats Holmberg

I am a mechanical engineer and come from Åland. After graduation, my career started as a design engineer in Houston,  US. After 24 months I realized that this was not going to give me the choices I wanted in life.


In the autumn of 1997, I started my first company, which enabled me to end my engineering career in 2001 and become a full-hearted entrepreneur.


I have built several businesses with success and some with less success. Imagine that I, as a bullied dyslexic, have had the privilege of lspeaking about leadership and motivation all over the world.

If I can, you definitely can!